"Mellékhatás" is a Hungarian drama series that follows Zoltán, a young and successful doctor, whose career is jeopardized after a critical medical error. In a desperate attempt to save his reputation, he makes unethical decisions that set off a dangerous chain of events. The series also explores the lives of Berta, a woman who has dedicated herself entirely to her family without recognition, and Anna, who faces her fears of motherhood while escaping a troubled past. As Zoltán's once stable marriage with Berta begins to unravel due to lies and temptations, the series delves into the moral complexities of human reproduction, including surrogacy and the profound impact of one man's mistake on the lives of others. "Mellékhatás" offers a gripping portrayal of the ethical dilemmas surrounding fertility, parenthood, and the consequences of our choices.
Cast and Crew
"Mellékhatás" is a Hungarian drama series that follows Zoltán, a young and successful doctor, whose career is jeopardized after a critical medical error. In a desperate attempt to save his reputation, he makes unethical decisions that set off a dangerous chain of events. The series also explores the lives of Berta, a woman who has dedicated herself entirely to her family without recognition, and Anna, who faces her fears of motherhood while escaping a troubled past. As Zoltán's once stable marriage with Berta begins to unravel due to lies and temptations, the series delves into the moral complexities of human reproduction, including surrogacy and the profound impact of one man's mistake on the lives of others. "Mellékhatás" offers a gripping portrayal of the ethical dilemmas surrounding fertility, parenthood, and the consequences of our choices.
Orignal Language
Episodes per Season
Drama, Crime
Release Data
Produced By
Streaming Network