Annette is a television serial that ran on The Mickey Mouse Club during the show's third season. It starred Annette Funicello as Annette McCloud, a poor, orphaned country girl who moves into town with her upper-class aunt and uncle. The serial also starred Richard Deacon as Uncle Archie McCleod, Sylvia Field as Aunt Lila McCleod, Mary Wickes as Katie the housekeeper and prolific Disney child stars Tim Considine, David Stollery and Roberta Shore as Annette's friends. The story was adapted by Lillie Hayward from the book Margaret by Janette Sebring Lowrey. Annette was released to DVD in 2008 as part of the Walt Disney Treasures series.
Cast and Crew
Annette is a television serial that ran on The Mickey Mouse Club during the show's third season. It starred Annette Funicello as Annette McCloud, a poor, orphaned country girl who moves into town with her upper-class aunt and uncle. The serial also starred Richard Deacon as Uncle Archie McCleod, Sylvia Field as Aunt Lila McCleod, Mary Wickes as Katie the housekeeper and prolific Disney child stars Tim Considine, David Stollery and Roberta Shore as Annette's friends. The story was adapted by Lillie Hayward from the book Margaret by Janette Sebring Lowrey. Annette was released to DVD in 2008 as part of the Walt Disney Treasures series.
Orignal Language
Episodes per Season
Comedy, Kids
Release Data
Produced By
Walt Disney Productions
Streaming Network