The Secret World of Santa Claus
The Secret World of Santa Claus is a children's animated television show that originates from France. It is syndicated to several countries worldwide, including Teletoon in Canada, and is generally seen every December during the holiday season. On December 25, 1999, Christmas Day, The Secret World of Santa Claus marathon took place from 6:00am to 7:00pm. The show has been put back on air and will be showed every Christmas season on Teletoon.
Cast and Crew
The Secret World of Santa Claus
The Secret World of Santa Claus is a children's animated television show that originates from France. It is syndicated to several countries worldwide, including Teletoon in Canada, and is generally seen every December during the holiday season. On December 25, 1999, Christmas Day, The Secret World of Santa Claus marathon took place from 6:00am to 7:00pm. The show has been put back on air and will be showed every Christmas season on Teletoon.
Orignal Language
Animation, Family
Release Data
Production Companies
CinéGroupe, Marathon Productions
Streaming Network
France 3