The Oz Kids
The Oz Kids is a American animated fantasy comedy-drama television series produced by Hyperion Animation based on The Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum's classic children's novel, and its various sequels. and was first broadcast on September 14, 1996 on Disney's ABC. The two main characters of this series are both human: Dot and Neddie. The major characters are Boris and Bela, Tin Boy, Scarecrow Jr., Jack Pumpkinhead, Jr., Frank, and Andrea, daughter of Glinda. Similar to series like Muppet Babies, the faces of the grown-ups are never shown.
Cast and Crew
The Oz Kids
The Oz Kids is a American animated fantasy comedy-drama television series produced by Hyperion Animation based on The Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum's classic children's novel, and its various sequels. and was first broadcast on September 14, 1996 on Disney's ABC. The two main characters of this series are both human: Dot and Neddie. The major characters are Boris and Bela, Tin Boy, Scarecrow Jr., Jack Pumpkinhead, Jr., Frank, and Andrea, daughter of Glinda. Similar to series like Muppet Babies, the faces of the grown-ups are never shown.
Orignal Language
Animation, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Comedy
Release Data
Production Companies
Streaming Network