Stroker and Hoop
Stroker and Hoop is an American Flash animated television series on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. The series is a parody of buddy cop films and television series such as Starsky & Hutch, and features the voices of Jon Glaser as Stroker and Timothy "Speed" Levitch as Hoop. This might also be a parody of the two Burt Reynolds characters: "Stroker Ace" and "Hooper". Stroker and Hoop premiered on August 1, 2004, and ended on December 25, 2005, with 13 episodes. Adult Swim continues to air reruns of Stroker and Hoop on an infrequent basis.
Cast and Crew
Stroker and Hoop
Stroker and Hoop is an American Flash animated television series on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. The series is a parody of buddy cop films and television series such as Starsky & Hutch, and features the voices of Jon Glaser as Stroker and Timothy "Speed" Levitch as Hoop. This might also be a parody of the two Burt Reynolds characters: "Stroker Ace" and "Hooper". Stroker and Hoop premiered on August 1, 2004, and ended on December 25, 2005, with 13 episodes. Adult Swim continues to air reruns of Stroker and Hoop on an infrequent basis.
Orignal Language
Animation, Action & Adventure, Comedy
Release Data
Production Companies
Williams Street, Turner Studios
Streaming Network
Adult Swim