Sandra, The Fairytale Detective
Sandra, The Fairytale Detective is a Spanish TV series. Created by Imira Productions. It is an animated program aimed at young children that attempts to combine the genres of fairy tales and detective novels. A few years back, Imira Entertainment sought a way to combine those two concepts while simultaneously creating one of the most inventive cartoons in years. Now, the company is taking its proven success and shopping it around a number of new locations, bringing Sandra to TG4 in Ireland and RSI in Switzerland. The Fairytale Detective is accompanied by her pal Fo the Elf, a 508 year old assistant who gathers Sandra’s cases, as well as Rachel, Sandra’s best pal. As if the mysteries weren’t tough enough, Markus will appear on occasion, hoping to spoil the day by bullying Sandra. Thankfully, though, Sandra always finds her way.
Cast and Crew
Sandra, The Fairytale Detective
Sandra, The Fairytale Detective is a Spanish TV series. Created by Imira Productions. It is an animated program aimed at young children that attempts to combine the genres of fairy tales and detective novels. A few years back, Imira Entertainment sought a way to combine those two concepts while simultaneously creating one of the most inventive cartoons in years. Now, the company is taking its proven success and shopping it around a number of new locations, bringing Sandra to TG4 in Ireland and RSI in Switzerland. The Fairytale Detective is accompanied by her pal Fo the Elf, a 508 year old assistant who gathers Sandra’s cases, as well as Rachel, Sandra’s best pal. As if the mysteries weren’t tough enough, Markus will appear on occasion, hoping to spoil the day by bullying Sandra. Thankfully, though, Sandra always finds her way.
Orignal Language
Animation, Mystery, Family, Kids
Release Data
Production Companies
Imira Entertainment, TVE
Streaming Network