Poster of undefined

Queer Duck

Queer Duck is an animated series produced by Mondo that originally appeared on and later moved to the American cable television channel Showtime in 2002, where it aired as a follow-up feature of the American version of Queer as Folk. Although far from being the first gay cartoon character, Queer Duck was the first animated TV series to have homosexuality as its predominant theme. Like several later television cartoons, Queer Duck was animated in Macromedia Flash. The show was created, written and executive produced by Mike Reiss, executive producer of network cartoons The Simpsons and The Critic. The animation was directed and designed by Xeth Feinberg. The theme song for the cartoon was performed by the drag-queen celebrity, RuPaul. Despite the suggestive content, there is no graphic language or any sexual content, but the latter is heavily implied throughout the series and the movie.




Cast and Crew

Queer Duck

Queer Duck is an animated series produced by Mondo that originally appeared on and later moved to the American cable television channel Showtime in 2002, where it aired as a follow-up feature of the American version of Queer as Folk. Although far from being the first gay cartoon character, Queer Duck was the first animated TV series to have homosexuality as its predominant theme. Like several later television cartoons, Queer Duck was animated in Macromedia Flash. The show was created, written and executive produced by Mike Reiss, executive producer of network cartoons The Simpsons and The Critic. The animation was directed and designed by Xeth Feinberg. The theme song for the cartoon was performed by the drag-queen celebrity, RuPaul. Despite the suggestive content, there is no graphic language or any sexual content, but the latter is heavily implied throughout the series and the movie.

Orignal Language





Comedy, Animation



Release Data


Production Companies

Showtime Entertainment Television, Mishmash Media

Streaming Network


Recommendations for Queer Duck