Pedro e Bianca
The series tells the story of two fifteen-year-old twin brothers, Pedro and Bianca, being white and black, which made them known in the region where they live. Pedro & Bianca shows the class C teenagers who recently entered the first year of high school, at the Piquerobi State School (Alberto Torres State School), a public school in São Paulo, and follows the daily lives of both at school, where they face common problems that teenagers experience.
Cast and Crew
Pedro e Bianca
The series tells the story of two fifteen-year-old twin brothers, Pedro and Bianca, being white and black, which made them known in the region where they live. Pedro & Bianca shows the class C teenagers who recently entered the first year of high school, at the Piquerobi State School (Alberto Torres State School), a public school in São Paulo, and follows the daily lives of both at school, where they face common problems that teenagers experience.
Orignal Language
Family, Drama
Release Data
Production Companies
Coração da Selva, TV Cultura
Streaming Network
TV Cultura