Wataru Hoshibe, an elementary school student in fourth grade, is a RyuTuber who wants to become a superstar. His adventure begins in the Chubukai parallel world alongside Ryujinmaru, a Mashin that Wataru created out of blocks to defeat the final boss, Enjoda!
Wataru Hoshibe, an elementary school student in fourth grade, is a RyuTuber who wants to become a superstar. His adventure begins in the Chubukai parallel world alongside Ryujinmaru, a Mashin that Wataru created out of blocks to defeat the final boss, Enjoda!
Orignal Language
Animation, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Kids
Returning Series
Release Data
Production Companies
Bandai Namco Pictures, Bandai Namco Filmworks, TV Tokyo, SUNRISE, NetEase Games
Streaming Network
TV Tokyo, TV Aichi, TVQ, TV Osaka, TVh, TSC