Kitchen Whiz
Kitchen Whiz is an Australian children's cooking game show aired on the Nine Network on 21 February 2011, presented by Beau Walker aka Nitro and Andy Minh Trieu as the ninja. In 2013, the show premieres with a new host, Alice Zaslavsky, and a strong focus on education and interactive media, with the release of the Kitchen Whiz Digital App.
Cast and Crew
Kitchen Whiz
Kitchen Whiz is an Australian children's cooking game show aired on the Nine Network on 21 February 2011, presented by Beau Walker aka Nitro and Andy Minh Trieu as the ninja. In 2013, the show premieres with a new host, Alice Zaslavsky, and a strong focus on education and interactive media, with the release of the Kitchen Whiz Digital App.
Orignal Language
Release Data
Production Companies
Streaming Network
Nine Network