Honey Bunny Ka Jholmaal
The story revolves around the adventures of four pets: two cats named Honey and Bunny, a dog named Zoradar and a parrot named Popat, who live in a cozy house, owned by Miss Katkar. The pets always set off on fun and crazy adventures together. While they are usually sweet and well-mannered, the pets also save their town from evil men and thieves and help the good and poor people.
Cast and Crew
Honey Bunny Ka Jholmaal
The story revolves around the adventures of four pets: two cats named Honey and Bunny, a dog named Zoradar and a parrot named Popat, who live in a cozy house, owned by Miss Katkar. The pets always set off on fun and crazy adventures together. While they are usually sweet and well-mannered, the pets also save their town from evil men and thieves and help the good and poor people.
Orignal Language
Comedy, Animation, Kids
Returning Series
Release Data
Production Companies
Toonz Animation India
Streaming Network
Sony YAY!, Sony Liv