France Five
France Five, originally titled Juushi Sentai France Five and later known as Shin Kenjuushi France Five, is a French series produced by Buki X-4 Productions in the 2000s. It is an homage to Toei's ever-popular Super Sentai series, which was extremely popular in France in the 1980s. As a nod to Super Sentai titles having certain motifs, France Five has each member themed after certain aspects of French culture. Plot : Glou Man Chou, ruler of the Lexos Empire, desires to conquer planet Earth. However, the Eiffel Tower generates a barrier around the planet that keeps him from sending his armies en masse. Glou Man Chou sends his warriors and monsters to Earth to destroy the tower and enable a full-scale invasion, but they are opposed by France Five.
Cast and Crew
France Five
France Five, originally titled Juushi Sentai France Five and later known as Shin Kenjuushi France Five, is a French series produced by Buki X-4 Productions in the 2000s. It is an homage to Toei's ever-popular Super Sentai series, which was extremely popular in France in the 1980s. As a nod to Super Sentai titles having certain motifs, France Five has each member themed after certain aspects of French culture. Plot : Glou Man Chou, ruler of the Lexos Empire, desires to conquer planet Earth. However, the Eiffel Tower generates a barrier around the planet that keeps him from sending his armies en masse. Glou Man Chou sends his warriors and monsters to Earth to destroy the tower and enable a full-scale invasion, but they are opposed by France Five.
Orignal Language
Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Release Data
Production Companies
Streaming Network