Daddy Long Legs
Judy Abbott is an orphan living in New York, who at the age of 17 finds herself in receipt of a college scholarship and monthly allowance from a mysterious benefactor. Her benefactor believes she has great potential as a writer and wishes to see her succeed. The only payment he asks in return is that she write him a letter every month addressed to the pseudonym "Mr. John Smith", with the understanding that he will never reply.
Cast and Crew
Daddy Long Legs
Judy Abbott is an orphan living in New York, who at the age of 17 finds herself in receipt of a college scholarship and monthly allowance from a mysterious benefactor. Her benefactor believes she has great potential as a writer and wishes to see her succeed. The only payment he asks in return is that she write him a letter every month addressed to the pseudonym "Mr. John Smith", with the understanding that he will never reply.
Orignal Language
Animation, Drama, Drama
Release Data
Production Companies
Nippon Animation
Streaming Network
Fuji TV