Codename: Asero
Codename: Asero, previously known as Asero, is a sci-fi-thriller Philippine drama produced and broadcast by GMA Network starring Richard Gutierrez and Heart Evangelista, based on an original concept by R.J. Nuevas. The story tells of two warring secret agencies: The Advocate to protect the world, and the more sinister The Empire. The series started airing on July 14, 2008. The series ended on November 14, 2008 and is replaced by Luna Mystika, in which Heart Evangelista play the title role.
Cast and Crew
Codename: Asero
Codename: Asero, previously known as Asero, is a sci-fi-thriller Philippine drama produced and broadcast by GMA Network starring Richard Gutierrez and Heart Evangelista, based on an original concept by R.J. Nuevas. The story tells of two warring secret agencies: The Advocate to protect the world, and the more sinister The Empire. The series started airing on July 14, 2008. The series ended on November 14, 2008 and is replaced by Luna Mystika, in which Heart Evangelista play the title role.
Orignal Language
Drama, Action & Adventure, Crime
Release Data
Production Companies
GMA Entertainment Group
Streaming Network
GMA Network