Back Streets
The series tells the story of the family lives of the police officers working in a special team of the Istanbul Police Department's Public Security Department and their adventures on the streets of Istanbul. The team encounters different and diverse human stories during their missions. The Istanbul Police Chief Rıza Soylu (Zafer Ergin), with his years of experience and fatherhood, approaches these stories, which at times make them smile and at other times are heartbreaking, and guides the other young members of the team.
Cast and Crew
Back Streets
The series tells the story of the family lives of the police officers working in a special team of the Istanbul Police Department's Public Security Department and their adventures on the streets of Istanbul. The team encounters different and diverse human stories during their missions. The Istanbul Police Chief Rıza Soylu (Zafer Ergin), with his years of experience and fatherhood, approaches these stories, which at times make them smile and at other times are heartbreaking, and guides the other young members of the team.
Orignal Language
Action & Adventure, Crime, Drama, Family, Mystery, Comedy
Returning Series
Release Data
Production Companies
Erler Film, D Media Production
Streaming Network
Kanal D