Ullasam revolves around around two father and sons. Raghuvaran was a smuggler,who lives in a house nerab s.p.balasubramaniam, father of ajith. In his childhood days, getting attracted by Raghuvaran's activities, Ajith remains to stay with him always.While SPB tries to convince his son, it is all in vain. He got vexed, and started to grow up Vikram, son of Raghuvaran as a good man. In college days, Vikram becomes a singer, while Ajith studying in the same college turns out to be a local dada, who helps Raghuvaran in his business. In the meanwhile, Ajith and Vikram love the same...
Cast and Crew
Ullasam revolves around around two father and sons. Raghuvaran was a smuggler,who lives in a house nerab s.p.balasubramaniam, father of ajith. In his childhood days, getting attracted by Raghuvaran's activities, Ajith remains to stay with him always.While SPB tries to convince his son, it is all in vain. He got vexed, and started to grow up Vikram, son of Raghuvaran as a good man. In college days, Vikram becomes a singer, while Ajith studying in the same college turns out to be a local dada, who helps Raghuvaran in his business. In the meanwhile, Ajith and Vikram love the same...
Orignal Title
Orignal Language
Action, Romance
Release Data
Production Companies
Amitabh Bachchan Corporation Limited