The Titanic Chronicles
"The Titanic Chronicles" is based on the 1912 Senate Hearings into the "Titanic" Disaster. The actual testimony is read by an international cast. This program is an enactment of the most striking and revealing moments from the actual hearings. The testimony you will hear comes closest to the truth as to why the R.M.S. "Titanic" now lies on the bottom of the North Atlantic.
Cast and Crew
The Titanic Chronicles
"The Titanic Chronicles" is based on the 1912 Senate Hearings into the "Titanic" Disaster. The actual testimony is read by an international cast. This program is an enactment of the most striking and revealing moments from the actual hearings. The testimony you will hear comes closest to the truth as to why the R.M.S. "Titanic" now lies on the bottom of the North Atlantic.
Orignal Language
55 minutes
Documentary, TV Movie
Release Data
Production Companies