Tenacious Ghost
The film revolves around two main characters are the Lam (Ngan Khanh) and Thố (Duc Thinh). They have nothing in common but ironic fate binds them together. Lam is a lady with successful career, happily living with Vinh (Dung Ha). One day, her perfect life was muddled because of the arrival of Ma Dai, a strange ghost. To get rid of him, Lam must help him complete the unfinished wishes, leading to many unfortunate situations.
Cast and Crew
Tenacious Ghost
The film revolves around two main characters are the Lam (Ngan Khanh) and Thố (Duc Thinh). They have nothing in common but ironic fate binds them together. Lam is a lady with successful career, happily living with Vinh (Dung Ha). One day, her perfect life was muddled because of the arrival of Ma Dai, a strange ghost. To get rid of him, Lam must help him complete the unfinished wishes, leading to many unfortunate situations.
Orignal Title
Ma Dai
Orignal Language
100 minutes
Comedy, Romance
Release Data
Production Companies