Neither Seen, Nor Known
The story revolves around Mursi (Adel Imam), a poor history teacher, married and suffering from an ambitious financial crisis in life, who gets involved with an old colleague at the university (Salwa), who runs her house for prostitution and hides him. Salwa uses the naiveté of Morsi to convince him that he attacked her He is drunk to press him to marry her pregnant.
Cast and Crew
Neither Seen, Nor Known
The story revolves around Mursi (Adel Imam), a poor history teacher, married and suffering from an ambitious financial crisis in life, who gets involved with an old colleague at the university (Salwa), who runs her house for prostitution and hides him. Salwa uses the naiveté of Morsi to convince him that he attacked her He is drunk to press him to marry her pregnant.
Orignal Title
ولا من شاف ولا من دري
Orignal Language
120 minutes
Drama, Comedy
Release Data
Production Companies
United Bros. Studios