Madame Ida
Set in the early 1950s, the narrative follows 15-year-old Cecilia, an orphan who becomes pregnant due to an assault by the orphanage warden. To conceal the pregnancy, she is sent to live with Ida, a woman desperate to adopt, residing in an isolated mansion with her lifelong maid, Alma. During her stay, a unique bond forms among the three women, offering solace from their individual loneliness and desires. However, the arrival of the baby disrupts their harmonious existence, leading to unforeseen challenges.
Cast and Crew
Madame Ida
Set in the early 1950s, the narrative follows 15-year-old Cecilia, an orphan who becomes pregnant due to an assault by the orphanage warden. To conceal the pregnancy, she is sent to live with Ida, a woman desperate to adopt, residing in an isolated mansion with her lifelong maid, Alma. During her stay, a unique bond forms among the three women, offering solace from their individual loneliness and desires. However, the arrival of the baby disrupts their harmonious existence, leading to unforeseen challenges.
Orignal Language
115 minutes
Release Data
Production Companies
Zentropa Entertainments