Hu Ane Tu
The story revolves around Umesh, who rekindles his romance with his long-lost college crush Ketaki, a divorcee. Meanwhile, Umesh's son Tejas meets the girl of his dreams: Reva. As the father and son prepare for a double wedding, they encounter numerous challenges. What ensues is roller-coaster ride entailing misunderstandings, twists, and trials as they navigate the crossroads of tradition and modernity.
Cast and Crew
Hu Ane Tu
The story revolves around Umesh, who rekindles his romance with his long-lost college crush Ketaki, a divorcee. Meanwhile, Umesh's son Tejas meets the girl of his dreams: Reva. As the father and son prepare for a double wedding, they encounter numerous challenges. What ensues is roller-coaster ride entailing misunderstandings, twists, and trials as they navigate the crossroads of tradition and modernity.
Orignal Title
હું અને તું
Orignal Language
131 minutes
Comedy, Drama, Romance
Release Data
Production Companies
Panorama Studios, Siddharth Randeria Production LLP