FMGG’ is a romantic-comedy story revolving around an aspiring actor ‘Jassi’ (Roshan Prince) who dreams of making a movie and launch himself as a ‘hero’. So that he could get to marry his love of life ‘Roop’ (Bhanushree Mehra) and to fulfill his dreams, he starts doing immoral activities and makes quick-money by creating dramas. During one such ‘drama’, he ends up breaking the marriage of ‘Geet’ (Japji Khaira) and incidentally gets married to her forcefully by the village community... And now he has "Two" girls in his life... Will he end up with his love or his unexpected life partner?????
FMGG’ is a romantic-comedy story revolving around an aspiring actor ‘Jassi’ (Roshan Prince) who dreams of making a movie and launch himself as a ‘hero’. So that he could get to marry his love of life ‘Roop’ (Bhanushree Mehra) and to fulfill his dreams, he starts doing immoral activities and makes quick-money by creating dramas. During one such ‘drama’, he ends up breaking the marriage of ‘Geet’ (Japji Khaira) and incidentally gets married to her forcefully by the village community... And now he has "Two" girls in his life... Will he end up with his love or his unexpected life partner?????
Orignal Language
133 minutes
Romance, Comedy
Release Data
Production Companies
PTC Motion Pictures