This film is about mysterious events that unfold in a forest resort during a twelve-hour investigation in a non-linear play. The story revolves around a police officer who makes an unexpected visit to the resort. The investigation also opens up multiple hidden secrets of paranormal activities related to a late-Queen who was the first owner of this estate in which the resort is located. The investigation leads to invoking of further issues in the resort and what happens next is how the play is designed in the film
Cast and Crew
This film is about mysterious events that unfold in a forest resort during a twelve-hour investigation in a non-linear play. The story revolves around a police officer who makes an unexpected visit to the resort. The investigation also opens up multiple hidden secrets of paranormal activities related to a late-Queen who was the first owner of this estate in which the resort is located. The investigation leads to invoking of further issues in the resort and what happens next is how the play is designed in the film
Orignal Title
Orignal Language
130 minutes
Horror, Thriller
Release Data
Production Companies
Julien & Jeroma Film Company [in], Primerose Entertainment [in]