A Tale of a Naughty Girl
Rajani is a well-known prostitute in a small town in Bengal, India, living in a brothel with her teenage daughter, Lati. With few options for a better life, Rajani hopes to arrange a marriage for her daughter with a wealthy local businessman - an idea Lati opposes. Choosing a life of unpredictability and the possibility of education over the known fate of arranged marriage, Lati takes off for Calcutta, encountering several quirky characters along the way.
Cast and Crew
A Tale of a Naughty Girl
Rajani is a well-known prostitute in a small town in Bengal, India, living in a brothel with her teenage daughter, Lati. With few options for a better life, Rajani hopes to arrange a marriage for her daughter with a wealthy local businessman - an idea Lati opposes. Choosing a life of unpredictability and the possibility of education over the known fate of arranged marriage, Lati takes off for Calcutta, encountering several quirky characters along the way.
Orignal Title
মন্দ মেয়ের উপাখ্যান
Orignal Language
90 minutes
Release Data
Production Companies
Arjoe Entertainment (India) Pvt. Ltd.